door Rob Mulder | aug 18, 2017 | pathogenen
Staphylococcus pasteuri (bacterium incl. MRSA, VRSA) Staphylococcus pasteuri is a coagulase-negative, Gram-positive bacterium of the Staphylococcaceae family. Coagulase-negative staphylococci may trigger wound and urinary tract infections as well as chronic...
door Rob Mulder | aug 18, 2017 | pathogenen
Staphylococcus lugdunensis (bacterium) Staphylococcus lugdunensis is an aerobic, Gram-positive, spherical bacterium of the Staphylococcaceae family. The coagulase-negative bacterium may lead to surgical site infection, bloodstream infection or endocarditis. Resistance...
door Rob Mulder | aug 18, 2017 | pathogenen
Staphylococcus hominis (bacterium) Staphylococcus hominis is an aerobic, spherical, Gram-positive bacterium in the Staphylococcaceae family. In immunodeficient people, it may cause catheter-associated sepsis. The main transmission path is direct or indirect contact...
door Rob Mulder | aug 18, 2017 | pathogenen
Staphylococcus epidermidis (bacterium incl. MRSE) Staphylococcus epidermidis is an aerobic, spherical, Gram-positive bacterium in the Staphylococcaceae family. In immunocompromised hospitalised patients, the bacterium may trigger catheter-associated sepsis and...
door Rob Mulder | aug 18, 2017 | pathogenen
Staphylococcus capitis (bacterium) Staphylococcus capitis is an aerobic, Gram-positive, spherical bacterium of the Staphylococcaceae family. The coagulase-negative bacterium belongs to the normal skin flora and is acquired in hospitals in rare cases. Only in humans...
door Rob Mulder | aug 18, 2017 | pathogenen
Staphylococcus aureus (bacterium incl. MRSA, VRSA) Staphylococcus aureus is an aerobic, spherical, Gram-positive bacterium in the Staphylococcaceae family. Staphylococcus aureus may elicit skin inflammations (cellulitis, furuncle) and muscle inflammations. In...